Pre-Master Programme IT & Computing Pathway 
    In Partnership with University of Sussex 


    The Avaline® Graduate Diploma in IT and Computing is an one-year intensive Pre-Masters course designed to provide international students with the best possible preparation for postgraduate studies at the University of Sussex.

    The five core modules are dedicated to help candidates develop essential academic knowledge and practical skills to ensure a smooth and seamless progression to their master courses.

      Subject Title:  Graduate Diploma in IT & Computing
      AAQ Code:    AAQ-ICT-US0524
      Course Level: Level 6
      Awarding Body: Avaline Assessment and Qualifications
      Award Title: Avaline Graduate Diploma  (Pre-Master)
      Minimum Contact Hours: 1080 Hours  (36 weeks)
        720 Hours    (24 Weeks)
        360 Hours    (12 Weeks )
      Total Learning Hours: 1620 Hours  (36 weeks)
        1080 Hours    (24 Weeks)
        540 Hours    (12 Weeks )
      Credits: 75 Credits
      Date of Latest Review May 2024


    Why choose AAQ Pre-Master?

    After more than a decade of practical teaching, research and combining opinions and feedback from higher education institutions, the creation of this innovative programme is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the University of Sussex and Avaline Qualifications.  The Avaline Sussex Pre-master Programme, which meets the UK education standards, is a result of our shared vision and sets the path for students' successful progression to their postgraduate taught courses.  The design of the programme provides the critical components that meet the needs of the students and prepare them for the selected master courses at Sussex.

    The programme aims to help the University of Sussex expand its market shares in other market segments un China, with the ultimate goal of increasing PG recruitment numbers, which have been significantly impacted by fierce competition and a drop-in ranking in various league tables.

    Aims and Objectives

    Help students to develop and solidify the necessary academic knowledge and learning skills for postgraduate study in the IT/Computing disciplinary.

    Provide three months intensive teaching to student on research and relevant IT and Computing knowledge. Helping them to learn how to understand the current development, fundamental knowledge and skills, analyse technological problems and propose alternative solutions. Developing students’ decision-making and problem-solving skills in a technology-related context. Those relevant enhancement will help student have competitive advantages in their future study.

    Arouse the interests of the students in pursuing advanced study and a career path in business information management or the technology sector, help them to build confidence academic development in order to become highly adaptive to overseas study setting. Cultivate their critical thinking, independent learning and better understanding of learning within the UK context.

    Improve students’ ability to communicate in English across all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking to enhance their learning abilities at master level.

    Supporting and resources

    To ensure the quality of instruction, we provide a wealth of support and resources for both teachers and students, including:

    • Comprehensive lesson plans and schedules that clearly outline learning objectives and content requirements.
    • Accompanying textbooks, workbooks, and study guides to consolidate knowledge points and develop problem-solving skills.
    • An online course platform offering a rich repository of learning resources, self-assessment exercises, and synchronized classroom materials.
    • Regular teaching seminars and faculty training to promote reflective teaching practices and exchange of expertise.
    • Additional tutoring support for students facing learning difficulties.
    • Study skills and support to prepare students in their understanding of the University’s regulation and rules relating to behaviour, performance, degree classifications, plagiarism, student conduct and other important issues to help them succeed in their master degree courses.
    • A vibrant interactive community connecting teachers and students, fostering a positive learning environment.
    • Practical opportunities with industrial

    We integrate teaching support throughout the entire programme. Before the start of the course, we provide unified training for teachers to ensure their understanding of the curriculum standards, pedagogy and teaching requirements. During the course, teaching and research staff regularly attend and evaluate classes, track teaching progress and student feedback, and provide guidance. After the course, we organize stage assessments and teaching reflections to generate course reports. The school also regularly informs students and parents of students' learning progress.

    Course structure


    • Academic Research and Information Skills
    • Advanced Mathematics
    • Information and Computer Technology Basics
    • Foundation of Data Science
    • Academic English Skills

    Total Qualification Time (TQT) and Guided Learning Hour (GLH)

    For all Avaline Qualifications, AAQ specifies a total number of hours that it is estimated learners will require to complete and show achievement for the qualification: this is the Total Qualification Time (TQT). Within TQT, AAQ identifies the number of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) that we estimate a centre delivering the qualification might provide. Guided learning means activities, such as lessons, tutorials, online instruction, supervised study and giving feedback on performance, that directly involve teachers and assessors in teaching, supervising and invigilating learners. Guided learning includes the time required for learners to complete external assessment under examination or supervised conditions.

    In addition to guided learning, other required learning directed by teachers or assessors will include private study, preparation for assessment and undertaking assessment when not under supervision, such as preparatory reading, revision and independent research.

    AAQ Pre-Master Programme have been designed around the number of hours of guided learning expected. Each major in the qualification has a GLH value of 120. There is then a total GLH value for the qualification.

    Assessment Overarching

    This Pre-Master program consists of a combination of written examinations and coursework. Courses commence in Sep/Jan/Apr and conclude by July / Aug. Relevant grading system are as below:

    Assessment & Examination

    Assessment Method: Quizzes, Tests, Exams, Assignments, Presentations, Seminars, Case Studies, Reports and Journals.

    Attendance: 10%
    Home assignment: 30%
    Mid-Term Exam: 15%
    In-class performance (pop quiz and participation): 20%
    Final Exam: 25%
    Portfolio / Presentation (only for Digital Media) 90%

    Avaline Diploma Grading

    Upon successful completion of the Avaline Diploma subjects, students will be awarded credits for each subject. There are different approaches of assessment for each subject; this includes coursework, practical project, mock and revision test, and final examination.

    Avaline Diploma Examination

    For exam-based subjects the testing methods are:

    • In-term Mock and Revision test
    • End of year examination

    Avaline Diploma Grading Scale

    Percentage Grade Module Credits Total Credits Description
    90+ A* 15 60-75 Distinction
    80 – 90 A 12
    70 - 79 B 10 55 Merit
    60 – 69 C 8 50 Credit
    50 – 59 D 7 35 Pass
    40 – 49 E 5 Below 35 Fail
    Below 40 U 0

    The course carries a total of 100 marks (100%).  Adapting the UK grading system, the overall minimum number of points required to pass the course is 50 % which needs 35 credits in total.


      Phase 1 Phase 2 Mid
    Phase 3 Final
    12 Weeks Duration Weeks 1 -4 Weeks 5 - 7 Weeks 8 -12
    24 Weeks Duration Weeks 1 - 4 Weeks 7-14 Weeks 15 - 24
    36 Weeks Duration Weeks 1 - 4 Weeks 5-18 Weeks 19-36

    Academic Teaching Hours

    35 hours/week.

    Total teaching hours of the programme:

    • 36 Weeks     1080 Hours       with 108 hours in tutorial and learning support.
    • 24 Weeks     720 Hours         with 72  hours in tutorial and learning support.
    • 12 Weeks     360 Hours         with 36  hours in tutorial and learning support.


    Students achieve all pass at Avaline Graduate Diploma (Pre-Master) programme can seamlessly progress onto University of Sussex’s selected master programmes, for example:

    In IT, Computing, Engineering and Information System

    • MSc Human and Social Data Science
    • MSc Data Science (for applicants with a relevant degree)
    • MSc Computer Science (Conversion)
    • MSc Management of Information

    Or other selected course if student’s UG degree is relevant, such as in Computing, Engineering and with the Maths skills required .No further academic tests, exams are required, including no further English proficiency test is required.

    Potential Student Bodies

    • Undergraduates graduates.
    • Dazhuan Diploma graduates.
    • Graduates from Sino-foreign joint programmes or institutions.
    • Graduates with a combination of qualifications, such as SQA HND (3+1, 2+2) from loca linstitutions.
    • Mature graduates who have worked experiences and now seek to return to obtain a master degree.
    • Undetermined Sussex offer holders, or offer holders who are unable to join the Pre-master in the UK due to time-constraint.

    Entry Requirement

    English Requirements:

    Duration of studies English Requirement 
    12 Weeks Duration Student needs to have IELTS min 5.5 or equivalent English test
    24 Weeks Duration Student needs to have IELTS min 5.0 or equivalent English test
    36 Weeks Duration Student needs to have IELTS min 4.0 or equivalent English test


    Academic requirements:

    We welcome applicants from the following backgrounds:

    • Dazhuan (3 years diploma) graduates
    • Bachelor degrees holders
    • SQA HND students (who have completed 3+1 or 2+2 programmes in local institutions)
    • Students with overseas Bachelor degrees
    • Mature graduates who have some work experiences
    • Other qualifications will be considered in a case-by-case manner

    Please contact our Admissions advisor team to assess your qualifications. 

    Delivery Campus

    • Avaline College Xiamen
    • Avaline College Nanjing
    • Avaline College Zhengzhou


    The programme in partnership with University of Sussex